Art books on table with laptop

Library Digital Accessibility

We commit to ensuring the communications we produce are clear and accessible to the widest range of people.

We recognise our obligations under The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 and the Equality Act 2010.

If you require the information on this page in a different format, or want to find out more about how we can help with your specific needs, please contact us.

Book Library webpages

The Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê Institute’s website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard.  Details of how the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê  is working towards compliance are available on the Institute’s Accessibility webpage.

Third party online resources

The Book Library subscribes to many 3rd party online resources. While we have no control over the design, functionality or accessibility these platforms, the Book Library wants to provide an accessible experience to all of our students and staff. For our online resources, we have devised a traffic-light system for accessibility:

Green – fully compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard
Yellow – partially compliant and/or working towards compliance
Red – not compliant. We will continue to work with supplier to lobby them on the importance of accessibility.

The inclusion of a resource in a particular colour banding is based in good faith on the resource’s own self reporting.  We will add links to accessibility statements where we have them.

AM Digital 
Yellow – partially compliant

Artifex Press 
Yellow – partially compliant

Green – fully compliant

Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Yellow – partially compliant

Yellow – partially compliant

Burlington Magazine
Yellow – partially compliant

Cambridge University Press
Yellow – partially compliant

Critical Collective
Red – not compliant

DeGruyter Online
Yellow – partially compliant

Duke University Press
Yellow – partially compliant

Yellow – partially compliant

Edinburgh University Press
Yellow – partially compliant

Exact Editions
Yellow – partially compliant

Gale Cengage Learning
Yellow – partially compliant

Yellow – partially compliant

Ingenta Connect
Yellow – partially compliant

Iter – Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Red – not compliant

JISC Collections
Yellow – partially compliant

Yellow – partially compliant

Yellow – partially compliant

ExLibris Primo (LibrarySearch)
Yellow – partially compliant

MIT Press
Yellow – partially compliant

Museums Association
Yellow – partially compliant

New Left Review
Yellow – partially compliant

Oxford University Press
Yellow – partially compliant

Princeton University
Yellow – partially compliant
Accessibility statement available as .pdf on request. Email:

Yellow – partially compliant

Yellow – partially compliant

Taylor & Francis
Yellow – partially compliant

University of California Press
Yellow – partially compliant

University of Chicago Press
Yellow – partially compliant

University of Toronto Libraries
Yellow – partially compliant

Yellow – partially compliant

Yellow – partially compliant

Yale University Press 
Red – not compliant

Please note, third party online resources used by the Library but not listed above have not reported their accessibility compliance.


